Recipes collected by Daniel Mentiplay

V60 pourover




  1. Boil kettle, grind coffee, add paper filter to V60 and set it over the carafe over scales.
  2. Wet the filter and let it drain into the carafe warming it. Discard the water.
  3. Add coffee, and form a well. Tare the scales.
  4. Start the timer and pour in 60 g, swirl the V60, and let the coffee “bloom” for 45 seconds.
  5. Pour water evenly in concentric circles up to 280 g. Then swirl again, to knock ground off the sides and to settle the coffee bed. Pause for 20 seconds.
  6. Pour water again slowly in concentric circles up to 500 g. Gently swirl, and let the water draw down. The drawn down should finish after a total time of about 3 minutes and 30 seconds.
  7. Pour into mugs and enjoy.


Recipe derived from James Hoffmann on YouTube.